Variety is the Spice of Life…

Well it feels like we’ve been all ’round the place lately, from ceiling, to floor, rearrange the furniture and then back to the ceiling…
Our little pile of pallets has dwindled away to almost nothing…
The back section of ceiling is complete (mostly) and we had to remove the seats at the front to get the last of the old floor out, so now the new floor is in and sealed, we have spun one of the rows of seats around to create a little lounge/dining booth which will do for now. Once this was all ticked off, we felt take-out was in order, along with a laptop-style movie night (The Breakfast Club) just to celebrate a little…

Now that the floor is sealed and the back half of the ceiling done, the next job on the list is to get the bed built so we can start sleeping in the bus and get a feel for it all as we continue the building process.
Apparently variety is the spice of life 🤔🤔
Along with the bed, it’s probably also time we got back to cutting, dismantling, de-nailing, thicknessing, buzzing, routing, painting, sanding….. and installing some more ceiling I think!!! yes… that’s the process….