Between playing local chippy as well as our resident bus-converter, Chris has got his MR Class L plates so he can drive our new home (legally anyway..) and has had a couple of trips out and about driving the bus on trips to Bunnings and to collect pallets etc. etc.Looking forward to getting his license so we don’t need a chaperone for his driving and can go out on our own…Another thing we’re LOVING MOST about beginning a #buslife is that we’re finding an awesome community of like-minded #buslife, #vanlife and other minimalist people to interact with who have equally similar values when it comes to discovering the pleasure of less=more.We’ve also had loads of people who hear about our journey say how they’d “love to, one day”…. .
well as much as it can be scary as shit – “one day” is only a decision away for EVERYONE…..go on – I dare ya 💪💪🚌🚌🚌